Check out this fashionable cat with no thigh gap on Instagram

A rescue cat in Romania is subverting fashion trends one Instagram post at a time. Pitzush Puss In Glam—Pitzush, for short—was adopted eight years ago by dentist Roxana Dulama. The motivation for Pitzush’s makeover is a simple one: self-esteem. In an interview with Daily Mail, Dulama says, “So many women in fashion aren’t good role models for young women… I wanted to do something that would poke fun at that lifestyle.”

Pitzush’s outfits are made exclusively from old garments in Dulama’s wardrobe. Photo shoots happen at home, and apparently are no easy feat. According to an email sent to Mashable, achieving a successful photo is “a process” that includes slowly putting items on Pitzush until she becomes comfortable, then giving her sufficient treats to last the next two to five minutes it takes to shoot the pictures. The photos are then run through Photoshop, where the final touch—colored eyelashes—is added.

Currently, Pitzush has around 15,000 followers on Instagram. Dulama hopes the experiment will help to show young people around the world “if a cat can do it… it’s not that much. You can be better than a cat.”

[via Mashable]

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