Cheetos: It's For Jerks

Cheetos: It's For Jerks

Chester  Cheetah, the Cheetos mascot, was once a cartoon cheetah who was so cool he wore sunglasses and high-tops.  But that was years ago. Now he's matured into a creepy, deep-voiced cult leader who also happens to be a letch.  His gospel: Cheetos can be used for so much more than snacking. They can also help you be even more passive aggressive.

Lessons learned:

1. Eating Flaming Hot Cheetos will make you look like someone ran you over with a truck full of influenza.

2. Chester Cheetah is the new devil that sits on your shoulder. There is no angel.

3. If there is even one woman in your office, Chester Cheetah is definitely going to roofie the water cooler.

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