Chicago, come see our latest comedy show this Saturday

It’s that time again, Windy City comedy fans: our regular comedy show Bell Hop (presented by Ian Abramson) is happening this Saturday at Virgin Hotels Chicago. Attendees will be treated to not just Abramson’s work, but also comedy from a wide cast of talented chuckle purveyors, including The Onion and Clickhole’s Fran Hoepfner, Sonia Denis, Goodrich Gevaart, Mike Sheehan, Julia Weiss, Lucas O’Neil, Sarah Shockey, and John Tell Butler, plus out-of-town guests like Boston’s Julia Claire and Playboy writer Jamie Loftus.

Unfortunately, we’re no longer able to offer free admission to the Bell Hop shows. But fortunately, we can still offer it for a measly five bucks, which is basically the same as nothing, if you take the long view on your personal finances. You can (and/or should) pick up your ticket to the show—which kicks off Saturday night at 9 p.m.—right here, then get ready to head to the Virgin on Saturday night. Once you get there, ask to be directed to the 25th floor. It will be fun.

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