Chicago, experience Things To Come early and for free

Chicago, experience Things To Come early and for free

Awards season is here, which means it’s time to trade in the cinematic junk food of the summer months in favor of some more nourishing arthouse fare. To extend the metaphor, there’s certainly plenty to chew on in Things To Come, the new film from French director Mia Hansen-Løve (Father Of My Children, Goodbye First Love, Eden). Starring the incomparable Isabelle Huppert as Nathalie, a philosophy professor who thinks she’s got her life all figured out, until her husband announces that he’s leaving her. Singlehood is both terrifying and thrilling for Nathalie, who’s left to figure out who she is after 25 years of marriage.

Things To Come is coming to Chicago on Friday, December 16 after a limited run in New York and L.A. But we’re giving readers of The A.V. Club the chance to see the movie early, on Tuesday, November 29 at 7 p.m. at the Landmark Century Centre Cinema. To enter to win an admit-two pass and crack jokes about how you must be psychic, because you’ve seen Things To Come, simply enter your information here. Remember, though, that preview screenings are intentionally overbooked, so you’ll have to get there early to be guaranteed a seat.

You can watch the trailer for Things To Come below.

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