Chicago, see Bad Johnson, a movie about a penis that comes to life, early and for free

Chicago, see Bad Johnson, a movie about a penis that comes to life, early and for free

Hey Chicago, here’s the log line for Bad Johnson, which sums it better than I possibly could: “A charismatic womanizer receives his comeuppance after his penis mysteriously leaves his body and takes human form.” The movie stars Cam Gigandet (Twilight, The O.C.) as that womanizer and comedian Nick Thune as the human penis, who heads out into the wild, leaving his former owner to find love in less physical ways. The movie opens in Chicago on May 2, but there’s a special free screening on May 8—and we’ve got a bunch of passes to give away. Extra bonus: The movie is set here and was shot here, so if you squint really hard you might see your neighborhood. If you want to come to the screening, send us an e-mail right here, and specify whether you’d like one or two passes. We’ll get back to the lucky bunch 48 hours before the screening. Watch the trailer below!

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