Chicago, see the webcam horror Unfriended early and for free

Chicago, see the webcam horror Unfriended early and for free

The internet is already a scary enough place filled with bad mashups, One Direction fan blogs, and sarcastic commenters, but Unfriended wants to take the horror of the world wide web to another level. With all of the “action” occurring on a teen’s browser, Unfriended unleashes a digital demon that haunts a group of friends via their web cams and social media. Sure, it sounds a little silly, but it should at least be slightly more terrifying than that Modern Family episode from a few weeks ago. Unfriended opens everywhere on April 17, but The A.V. Club and Universal have an opportunity for you to snag two free tickets to see it early on April 15. For your chance to win a pair of passes to the advance screening, simply follow the link here and enter your information. As always, seats for advance screenings are first come, first served, so be sure to arrive early. An official plot synopsis and trailer can be found below.

“Unfriended unfolds over a teenager’s computer screen as she and her friends are stalked by an unseen figure who seeks vengeance for a shaming video that led a vicious bully to kill herself a year earlier.”

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