Chicago, watch R-Patz break bad in Good Time, early and for free

Chicago, watch R-Patz break bad in Good Time, early and for free

Shaking off the last of his Twlight sparkles, Robert Pattinson was warmly received at the Cannes film festival this year, courtesy of his gritty new crime thriller Good Time. Directed by Ben and Josh Safdie, the film was a highlight of the festival, with our own A.A. Dowd declaring Pattinson’s performance as a twitchy bank robber attempting to engineer his brother’s release from police custody the most deserving for the Main Competition’s best actor prize. (In reality, it went to Joaquin Phoenix, for You Were Never Really Here, but still: high praise.)

“The fun of the movie,” Dowd writes, “Isn’t just in how it revives a more gritty species of NYC crime movie, from back before the Giuliani clean-up. It’s also in the unpredictability of the narrative—the way it keeps zigging when you expect it to zag.” And if you’re living in or near Chicago, you can check out all those zigs and zags yourself, because we’re giving away early passes to see the film at AMC River East.

All you need to do is head here and input your information, and you should be good to go. The screening is scheduled for Sunday, August 13 at 7:00 p.m., although you’ll want to get there early; these showings always overbook, and you’ll need to be there well ahead of schedule if you want to have a Good Time. (Sorry, we’ll see ourselves out.)

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