Chicagoans! Spend an Evening with Nathan Rabin Before Another Round of Funny Ha-Ha

Hey you guys,

If you’re me, you’re extraordinarily flattered and a little overwhelmed to be the subject of “An Evening With Nathan Rabin”, an event sponsored by the fine folks over at Chicago Center for Literature and Photography that runs from seven to nine at Stage 773 (1225 West Belmont, not far from the Belmont el stop) tonight. It’s the first in a series of in-depth conversations with writers and artists in Chicago. A gentleman named Jason Pettus will be interviewing me about my life and career and various endeavors, literary and otherwise. Tickets are six dollars and the event will open with a monologue about failed movies by Ben Tanzer. It should be interesting, and more than a little surreal.

The following night I will join my good friend and fellow A.V Clubber Claire Zulkey at The Hideout at 1354 W. Wabansia at seven o’clock as one of the readers at Funny Ha-Ha. Other performers include Chicago’s Cassie Walker, Second City’s Joe Janes, Write Club Overlord Ian Belknap, comedian Ken Barnard and filmmaker Joe Avella. As always, the lovely and talented Claire will host. Tickets are five dollars, proceeds go to Neighborhood Writing Alliance and a good time will be had by all. Seriously, if you’ve never been to Funny Ha-Ha it is an awesome Chicago institution. I will be happy to sign copies of My Year of Flops. Copies will be available at the show though you can also buy it elsewhere if so inclined.

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