Child doesn't recognize floppy disk, giving us all a mid-life crisis

Child doesn't recognize floppy disk, giving us all a mid-life crisis
Photo: CAESARstock

Technology moves at a blinding pace, so it’s somewhat comforting to know there are at least a few iconic inventions that remain universally recognized amidst the rapid change and almost inevitable obsolescence around us. Take, for example, Microsoft’s “Save” icon, eternally represented by a small, simple, pleasantly blue floppy disk. No confusion there, obviously. Sure, we haven’t used those antiquated little doodads in decades, but no one would look at that image and not know it represents saving your files from the ravages of time.

Good. Time to hop onto Twitter and see what people are talking about.

Can’t read Japanese? That’s okay, because the wonders of modern technology have you covered! Per Google Translate: “Why is the ‘save’ mark a vending machine?” innocently asks this young online person. And sure, if you look at it closely, it does kind of look like a drink dispenser with a little soda can ready for your enjoyment at the bottom. At nearly 22k retweets already, it looks like we can all have a good chuckle at that tyke’s naivety and move on, right?

No, you’re not dead. You’re very much alive. We’re very much alive! With years and years certainly ahead of us, more specifically. Now, where are the reliable online hordes to mock this kid’s ignorance and disrespect for the past?

Is this what old age feels like? Truly, we’re asking, because of course we have no idea what that would feel like, as young and spry as we are. Okay, c’mon. This is the internet we’re looking at here. Someone out there has got to have put this kid in his place and taught them some manners when dealing with their elders…not that we’re their elders, of course.

Okay, whatever. You know, if floppy disks are good enough to prevent nuclear armageddon and the end of all life as we know it, then they’re damn sure good enough for all of us—including any child who can’t recognize something so obvious and still societally relevant…


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