Child steals the Pope’s hat, invites wrath of God

When Jesus said, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven,” he probably wasn’t referring to the kind that would up and yank the Pope’s hat from his head. The offending heathen is 3-year-old Estella Westrick, who, upon being lifted by a Vatican aide to meet the Pope, snatched his holy zucchetto without somehow bursting into flames.

“Right before she went up she was a little nervous,” Mountain Butorac, the girl’s godfather, told CNN. “Then she stole his hat. It was hilarious. Everyone was laughing, including the Pope.”

It’s true that the Pope does seem to be amused, but that also might be the face he makes when summoning a bolt of lightning.

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