Chris Brown allegedly punched Frank Ocean over a parking spot

Proving his steadfast commitment to riling up the Internet on a regular basis, Chris Brown is being investigated by the L.A. police for allegedly assaulting Frank Ocean. It all reportedly went down on Sunday night, in a parking lot outside the Westlake Recording Studios where Brown, Ocean, and four other hangers-on got in a scuffle over a parking space, with Ocean joining Drake in the list of other artists Chris Brown has tangled with in the past year.

According to a statement from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Brown punched someone, and while their report doesn’t say specifically who that is, TMZ is certain it was Ocean. Seeming to corroborate that story, Ocean later tweeted that he “got jumped by Chris and a couple guys,” adding the he “cut [his] finger” so “now [he] can’t play w two hands at the Grammys.” (Ocean is up for six awards at the ceremony to be held Feb. 10, and while he wasn’t one of the performers announced so far, there was a lot of speculation that he would play.)

So far, neither Brown nor Ocean’s publicists or teams have commented on the incident, though Brown did Instagram a picture of himself in the studio immediately after the incident, saying he was "not working on negativity," and that "bullshit"—which apparently doesn't include something as trivial as fighting over a parking space—"will forever be in the shadows."

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