Christopher Hitchens: "Uncle! Uncle!"

Political commentator and lump of Christmas coal Christopher Hitchens has been a steadfast supporter of the Bush administration's Iraq misadventures, including its euphemistic classification of waterboarding as "extreme interrogation" rather than torture. So Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter challenged the writer to experience the fun firsthand. To his credit, Hitchens followed the example set by former Assistant Attorney General Daniel Levin and discovered how the policy worked in action. Not surprisingly, Hitchens and Levin reached the same conclusion: Yep, waterboarding is torture all right.

But wait, there's more. In addition to a piece entitled "Believe Me, It's Torture," Vanity Fair offers the actual footage of hooded men performing the procedure on Hitchens. You can find it here. There's a FOX reality show in there somewhere.

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