Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar to be on 70mm IMAX in about 50 locations

Some people are probably trying to avoid hearing too much about Interstellar, Christopher Nolan’s next film, so they can go in totally fresh. We understand that his most recent non-Batman-related movie, Inception, was pretty twisty, and it would be a shame to have whatever this movie’s craziness is spoiled ahead of time. Luckily, nobody really knows all that much about Interstellar, so there’s not much for us to spoil. Thanks to its first trailer, we know it features Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, and Michael Caine, and that it involves outer space and a food shortage on Earth, but that’s about it. For all we know it could be a live-action adaptation of Daft Punk’s Interstella 5555, which would be awesome.

We do know one more thing now, though: Interstellar is going to be screened in a handful of IMAX locations around the world once it premieres this November. That news comes from Collider (via /Film), which spoke with Greg Foster, the president of IMAX, about Christopher Nolan’s love for his enormous video format. Nolan, of course, filmed some of The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises on IMAX, and now that he has done it with Interstellar as well, Foster is happily letting Nolan take over some of his projectors. After all, seeing Matthew McConaughey play “One More Time” while flying through space will certainly be a lot more exciting than movies about whales and skiing, or whatever else is usually shown in IMAX theaters.

IMAX hasn’t officially revealed which theaters will be showing Interstellar on giant rolls of film, but considering that Foster is counting on “somewhere around 50” worldwide, the odds are pretty good for major cities and pretty bad for anywhere else. Just like every other cool thing that has ever happened.

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