Chrome extension autoreplies “Shut Up, Donny” to all of Trump’s tweets for you

Trolling the president on Twitter is fun. But you don’t want to follow him and have your feed interrupted by incomplete sentences composed in a haze of fragile male rage. You also don’t want to add to his follower count, because he cares about that sort of thing. You also don’t want to follow a raw onion. “Shut Up, Donny” is a Chrome extension that connects with your Twitter account. Whenever it detects a tweet from either @realDonaldTrump or @POTUS, it automatically replies with the message, “Delete your account #ShutUpDonny.” You don’t have to follow either account for the extension to work.

“Shut Up, Donny” was made by Steven Goldberg, a software engineer in San Francisco. “The more users it has, the more effective—or at least, funnier—it will be,” he wrote to The A.V. Club.

So in addition to attending protests, joining activist organizations, and doing everything out in the meatspace possible to annoy, disrupt, and stop Donald Trump from enacting all the horrible shit he’s going to enact, add this extension. It’s not much, but it is funny.

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