Chuck Palahniuk to include fan-favorite character Chuck Palahniuk in Fight Club 2

Following in the metatextual footsteps of literary masters like Stephen King (The Dark Tower), Grant Morrison (Animal Man) and xxxDexApp426xxx (The Time I, Dexter Appleby, Saved The World And Then Kissed Tifa From Final Fantasy VII On Her Face), Fight Club author Chuck Palahniuk has announced that he’ll be adding himself to an upcoming issue of his sequel comic Fight Club 2.

The Dark Horse-published series, which takes place 10 years after the climax of Palahniuk’s 1996 cult novel, follows milquetoast protagonist “Sebastian” (played by Edward Norton in David Fincher’s film adaptation), whose quiet suburban existence is shattered when charismatic agent of chaos Tyler Durden once again escapes confinement to wreak havoc on his world, life, and, apparently, creator. “Literary critics claim that Ken Kesey’s mental hospital in Cuckoo’s Nest and Toni Morrison’s plantation in Beloved represent those authors’ post-graduate writing workshops,” Palahniuk explained in a press release about his upcoming debut. “To prevent anyone from thinking my own workshop is either a support group for the terminally ill or a bare-knuckle mosh pit, I’ve included it in Fight Club 2.” Palahniuk will appear in the third issue of the miniseries, which goes on sale on July 22, with members of the aforementioned writing group, including novelists Chelsea Cain and Monica Drake, popping up the following month.

Palahniuk made the announcement on the cusp of the San Diego Comic-Con, at which he’s set to appear to promote the book. Besides being slated for a Dark Horse panel with other creators, including Hellboy’s Mike Mignola and Eric Powell of The Goon, Palahniuk will also be doing an exclusive Fight Club 2 panel with illustrators David Mack and Cameron Stewart. Fans are encouraged to dress up for the panel like characters Tyler Durden and Marla Singer, and should gird themselves for “an announcement about the previously rumored scratch-and-sniff Fight Club 2 bookmarks,” hopefully in a way that minimizes panic and the potential for society-destroying riots.

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