Clinic: Do It!

Fans would be forgiven for thinking they've
already heard Do It! before they even press play: The studio gloss of Walking
With Thee

aside, Clinic has been turning out not-so-subtle variations on Internal

for nearly a decade, and once again, Do It! doesn't tinker much with
the formula. Luckily, the "if it ain't broke" axiom applies, as the band's patchwork
of vintage organ groove, krautrock rhythm, and acid-rock squeal has always been
more than just the sum of its parts. Yes, singer Ade Blackburn still wheezes
inscrutable lyrics that emphasize cadence over coherence ("Reel in the quaker
you zip up and taper," "Pet the pet who vets you more"), the syncopated
floor-tom stomp numbers ("The Witch," "Corpus Christi") are still broken up by
quietly seething waltzes ("Free Not Free"), and the requisite proto-punk freak-out
"Shopping Bag" still seems calculated to stave off mid-disc fatigue. But Do

simply adds another 30 minutes to Clinic's quest to keep playing the perfect
sound forever. With a sound as arresting as this, it's hard to fault them for
not branching out more.

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