Clinton campaign figures out how to make money off of Donald Trump’s tweets

If there’s one thing Donald Trump loves more than money and power (and maybe his kids), it’s Twitter. Not only does it let him spout off his terrible thoughts without having to go through a PR person, but it also gives him direct feedback about how many people are paying attention to him at any given point. In other words, he can say whatever he wants and he can see how many people respond to what he says, which encourages him to say more things. It’s actually pretty surprising that he’s been able to accomplish anything at all since joining Twitter.

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is obviously aware of Trump’s love for social media, so now it has come up with a revolutionary way to put a positive spin on his inability to shut up. As reported by Adweek, the Clinton campaign has just launched Troll Trump, a new donation platform that lets users automatically donate money every time Trump tweets. You can sign up for 50 cents, $1, $3, $5, or $10 per post, but considering that Trump has already tweeted 20 times today, it’ll probably end up being an expensive couple of weeks no matter what you pick. (Though there will be a few hours of silence thanks to the debate tonight.)

The idea for Troll Trump apparently originated with former BuzzFeed editor Matt Bellassai, who made a joke about donating to the Clinton campaign whenever Trump tweeted. Once Troll Trump launched, one of Clinton’s digital strategists thanked Bellassai for the idea.

It’s unclear if replies and retweets count for this thing, but anyone who decides to sign up for this program will probably find out soon enough.

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