College kid makes life better by rigging a door to play the Seinfeld theme when opened

Because real life has no soundtrack—nothing to set the mood as soon as the supporting characters of our days wander into view—we have to make it ourselves.

An enterprising student who, Madonna-like, goes only by “evan” on Twitter (and has a frog emoji next to his name, which let’s all just hope isn’t what it looks like) has worked hard to ensure that every visitor to his dorm room knows exactly how to behave as soon as they enter, installing some magical sensor that plays Seinfeld’s synthesized bass popping theme whenever his door’s opened.

The results speak for themselves.

The expression on the friend’s face answers the inevitable question of what happens when a good and funny practical joke has just been sprung for, quite likely, the hundredth time.

Whether you applaud the sensor trick or not probably depends a great deal on what the face above makes you feel. Does it show the resignation of a simple joke run into the ground? Or is it, perhaps, someone lost in reckoning with the beauty of a life elevated to new heights thanks to one visionary’s willingness to transform our world?

Whatever the case, expect plenty more Seinfeld doors to come.

Students across the world, prepare to hate this joke from the depths of your souls before semester’s end.

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