Comcast boxes will start including Netflix next week

It might be difficult to envision at this point on election day, but no matter which candidate becomes our supreme overlord, life will actually go on after tonight. In fact, Comcast subscribers even have something to look forward to once this election nonsense wraps up, as USA Today is reporting that the cable company’s new X1 TV boxes will begin to include Netflix in the coming days. That means (if you have a brand new Comcast box), you’ll be able to watch Netflix through the same thing that allows you to watch cable, without having to go through the tedious process of changing an input or just glancing down at your phone. This unexpected team-up was announced back in July, with some pessimistic analysts suggesting that it’s part of a scheme to convince the government that the cable companies and streaming providers are playing nice and not engaging in any illegal monopolies.

But who cares about that, because soon it’ll be easier for some people to watch Netflix. The USA Today report even quotes Netflix’s Reed Hastings as saying that the Comcast user interface is “the most convenient” one they’ve ever had—which seems like a low bar to get past, since some of the Netflix interfaces out there are pretty horrid. Hastings also hypes up Comcast’s new X1 voice remote, saying that it’s like “magic” because he just has to say “Netflix” and it pops up on the screen. Granted, that’s a thing lots of phones and streaming devices have been able to do for a while, but whatever.

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