Come bask in one of the most agonizing videos in internet history

Come bask in one of the most agonizing videos in internet history
Photo: Jeff Greenberg

One nice side effect of living in a time where everyone walks around with little video cameras in their pockets is that the most mundane, ridiculous shit we encounter in our daily lives can now easily be uploaded for a global audience. Take, for instance, an agonizing video of a woman trying repeatedly to properly position her car at a gas station while two observers narrate her misadventures.

The clip, spotted by @Luissdad and shared by Rex Chapman, features two full minutes of the woman driving her van back and forth through the station, trying to figure out which side of the car her gas tank is on to no avail. “This is the second time she’s done this,” we hear as the video starts and the van begins lumbering over to the wrong side again. “No, oh no,” the guy narrating the video says. A woman next to him laughs.

At one point, the van parks the wrong way again and the woman driving it gets out, walks past the gas tank, looks at what she’s done, and then turns around on her heel in shock. The video shows a low stakes, unimportant problem, and yet it’s still totally brutal to watch play out. The schadenfreude is strong enough that it’s attracted lots of attention, ranging from @markskull’s “Yakety Sax” remix to commentary from Vincent D’Onofrio, David Simon, and Dileep Raous.

Fortunately, as @Luissdad also shared, the story eventually has a happy ending. After she’s given some helpful instructions by one of the narrators—and after a tense moment when it’s hard to tell if the assistance registered or if she’ll be able to pull off an Austin Powers-style turning maneuver—she arrives at the right side.

All’s well that ends well. Well, until the next time this poor woman needs to fill up the tank again.

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