Comedy Central will attempt to find remaining Justin Bieber jokes

Recognizing the importance of laughing at oneself in a controlled setting that doubles as self-promotion, parody Instagram feed Justin Bieber has agreed to be the subject of Comedy Central’s next roast, where a group of comedians will attempt to come up with enough jokes that haven’t already been made about Justin Bieber to fill an hour or so.

The announcement was first made by emcee of the damned Ryan Seacrest, and was quickly followed by a confirmation from network president Kent Alterman, who said in a statement, “Justin has been asking us for a few years to roast him, and we just kept telling him to go create more source material first. We’re thrilled he listened.” Shortly thereafter, Bieber himself tweeted the exact same thing, an early preview of the kind of spontaneous give-and-take we can expect from the event itself.

According to Rolling Stone, Bieber has “wanted to be the butt of the joke for years.” He’d also like to be roasted on Comedy Central.

Bieber has already demonstrated that he can direct his social media team to take a joke, or even the merest hint that a joke might be forthcoming.

It’s all part of a general loosening up for Bieber, who just this weekend responded to a Saturday Night Live spoof of his Calvin Klein ads by letting the show know that there were no hard feelings, or any feelings at all, really.

According to Us Weekly, the Comedy Central Roast Of Justin Bieber is set for March 7, giving Bieber plenty of time to come up with more fodder to go with his hilarious arrests for DUI, reckless driving, vandalism, and assault, his uproarious total disregard for people who aren’t Justin Bieber, and his music. He may even wear some funny pants.

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