Community finale comments section hits 100,000 comments, unlocking mysteries of universe and existence

As was prophesied in the review of the final three episodes of Community’s third season, the comments section for the episodes reached its 100,000th comment earlier this afternoon, and it may or may not have been this warm-hearted message from Gauephat, which is hard to tell, because grrrrr, Disqus. Anyway, the conversation there throughout this long, Community-less summer has featured everything from reviews of all of the episodes from the first three seasons of the show, to discussion of the nation’s political climate (which, you’ll be surprised to learn, is “polarized”), to reviews of, uh, Freaks & Geeks. They also performed some Reddit-style Ask Me Anythings and just generally hung out all summer long, like that one year when you went home from college and worked at your parents’ store, and even though you weren’t looking forward to it, you got to hang out with friends and really learn a lot about yourself. It was, as Andrew Sullivan said that one time, the Internet in a microcosm.

Now that the commenters have reached the stated goal of 100,000 comments set for them by Emily VanDerWerff, after having previously reached her goals of 1,000 and 10,000 comments on previous articles, they now must understand that the power-of-10 challenge will only continue to scale up, and at some point, they will have to get an article to a million comments. It’s the only way to keep the Internet running, and if they do not perform this task at some point, everyone will die, or Community will be canceled, or something.

In summation: Congratulations, you crazy bastards, for doing something few would have thought possible. We’re readying the confetti and balloon drops even as we speak, if any of you want to share a few words with the crowd, and if any of you ever bump into Emilyl VanDerWerff in reality, she is now contractually obligated to buy you a Coke. (It’s in the charter.) On to one million!

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