Community’s Yvette Nicole Brown to appear on CBS’ Odd Couple remake

As we’ve previously reported, CBS—in a distinctly NBC-esque move—has decided to remake The Odd Couple. Thomas Lennon will be playing the fastidious Felix, while Matthew Perry will be the slovenly Oscar. Now, Matthew Perry has become a bit of a TV show Grim Reaper over the last few years, with three shows that he starred in not making it past one season, but hopefully The Odd Couple will be able to break what we’ve dubbed “Perry’s Curse.”

Luckily, Perry doesn’t have to carry the weight of the entire show himself. In addition to Lennon, The Wire’s Wendell Pierce will also be there to share the blame when Perry somehow gets it cancelled. And now, according to Zap2it, Drake & Josh’s Yvette Nicole Brown will be joining the series as well. Brown will reportedly be playing Matthew Perry’s assistant, meaning she’ll have to put up with Perry’s comedically messy mannerisms on a regular basis. Eventually, though, she’ll wonder if he really is worse than that uptight roommate of his, because both of them have their fair share of diametric personality traits. Either way, they sure are an odd couple!

Zap2it also points out that Brown won’t be a regular on the show, so she’ll still have time in her schedule to appear in some online series on Yahoo called Community. Apparently it’s about people in a community college or something. We don’t know, we’ve never heard of it.

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