Community 'shippers Can Have It Their Way in (500) Days of Britta 

Community 'shippers Can Have It Their Way in (500) Days of Britta 

As Community shifted from the Jeff Winger-centric redemption plot of a disgraced lawyer cellar-dwelling at community college into a much more ensemble-heavy comedy, the show lost the need for a central romantic conflict to drive everything—or so we thought. Mirroring the structure and soundtrack of the first trailer for (500) Days Of Summer with Manic Pixie Dream Girl-in-Chief Zooey Deschanel and Johnny Depp of the new decade Joseph Gordon-Levitt, some intrepid Community fan assembled clips from the show to craft the Jeff/Britta pairing into the style of that romantic comedy. They meet-cute, trade quips, and Jeff even gets a post-coitus fantastical romp to match Tom Hansen's dance sequence with an animated bird. Jeff is so much less sad-sack than Tom it even manages to stay sweet the whole way through instead of dwelling on a breakup and breaking plates everywhere. Now all that's left is for someone to take the logic of the Community's brilliant clip-show riff and make (500) Days of Abed and Troy.

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