Community summons Beetlejuice in yet another glorious Easter egg

Community summons Beetlejuice in yet another glorious Easter egg

Any reader who has spent even a few minutes on this site knows how much we adore Community and why the news the show is going on hiatus in January had us doing Troy's panic dance. And here's another reason to fear for the show's future: its ongoing amazing series Easter Eggs. In the most recent occurrence of hidden, brilliant gems, an eagle-eyed fan noticed the show has slipped the word "Beetlejuice" into the script once each season, the most recent occurrence coming in this season's Halloween episode, "Horror Fiction In Seven Spooky Steps." When Annie says the magic word, well, see for yourself below. (Hint: keep your eyes on the right corner of the video.) For those curious, the other occurrences of the name popping up happened in season one's "Communication Studies" and season two's "Cooperative Calligraphy." Now let's see that clever show Cougar Town try to top that with- oh, crap…  [via The Daily What]

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