Conan O’Brien crashes random company’s Zoom call, berates management

Conan O’Brien crashes random company’s Zoom call, berates management
Photo: JC Olivera

Nothing spices up a boring work meeting like having a late-night talk show host show up and yell at your boss. This week, the employees of the Palo Alto-based software company TIBCO were treated to just that, as Conan O’Brien used some insider information to virtually crash their Zoom call. After immediately declaring that management had “lost its way” and that he’s disappointed with their sales, O’Brien directed his ire on anybody within his field of vision, including poor Alan with the fun background.

Without a doubt, TIBCO employees were excited to infuse some new energy into their business and hear a veteran comedian regurgitate the sales copy on their company website. However, we’re worried Conan’s future at TIBCO might be in jeopardy. After all, he got a thumbs down from Jakey. That’s not going to look good on his quarterly review. At least it sounds like he’ll get a new sweatshirt out of the deal.

Zoombombing has the potential to become a recurring segment on Conan, at least as long as O’Brien and his team are producing things remotely. This could even be a way for the host to seamlessly transition into a career as an emotionally abusive motivational speaker.

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