Conner O'Malley has an idea: QAnon, but for Democrats

Conner O'Malley has an idea: QAnon, but for Democrats
Sample DemAnon post. Screenshot: Conner O’Malley

We’re roughly a few years away from QAnon—the “collective delusion” that’s convinced millions to believe Democrat leaders worship Satan and eat babies in pizzerias—being a common part of the Republican platform. As such, liberals need to get conspiratorial—fast. Thankfully, 2020's one and true Joker, Conner O’Malley, has an idea.

In a Zoom chat with a group of “radical centrists,” O’Malley, playing a “senior content manager with Black Sphere Media” named Patrick Razberry, proposes his plan for DemAnon. It works like this: A secret operative named DemAnon posts surprise “Dem Drops” in Debra Messing’s Instagram comments, where the Resistance can learn of how Trump, his cronies, and “certain PGA golfers” are “eating elderly people to gain their wisdom.” Joe Biden, meanwhile, will be revealed to DemAnon followers to be a “surrogate”—a reference to the 2009 Bruce Willis film (we have it a C-)—of John Kasich. Biden, you see, died two years ago after eating 15 hot dogs at Six Flags.

There’s a number of great details strewn throughout, from the sample memes created by Bloomberg pals Fuck Jerry to the cringey Democrat politicians-as-Avengers poster that, sadly, is barely a joke. Top to bottom, the sketch perfectly skewers ineffectual Democrats influenced by corporate interests instead of any actual ideology, a theme we’ve seen before in O’Malley’s work

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