Connie Britton to play an overbearing boss on Showtime’s SMILF

Having sorted out what the “S” in SMILF stands for, we’re now trying to grasp Connie Britton’s involvement in the Showtime comedy. The press release describes Britton’s—late of Nashville, but who will always be Tami Taylor to us—role in the series as your garden variety overbearing boss, who makes frequent inordinate demands of her assistant Bridgette (series star and creator Frankie Shaw). As Ally, Britton will also be a bit kooky. But where another TV boss like, say, The Drew Carey Show’s Mr. Wick (Craig Ferguson) was given to doing cocaine and firing some unseen character named Johnson, Ally will be chasing more of a self-esteem high via “constant pursuit of self-betterment.” She’ll also want Bridgette, who has at least one kid of her own, judging by the name of the show, to be more than just a tutor to her kids.

We’re sure Britton will do her damnedest to sell us on what sounds like a stock character in the series, which premieres November 5 on Showtime. She was recently joined in the cast by Being Mary Jane’s Raven Goodwin and Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World’s Mark Webber, who will play a “messy” best friend and “sober priest,” respectively. SMILF takes place in Boston, which might have a Catholic parish or two in it.

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