Cool dude Josh Groban got into a Twitter fight with Sean Hannity

Cool dude Josh Groban got into a Twitter fight with Sean Hannity

For some reason, a lot of people are under the impression that you can’t have the voice of an angel and be a cool badass, but Josh Groban is living proof of just how wrong that misconception is. Alright, he’s not exactly John Wick or something, but he was on the Comedy Bang! Bang! TV show a few times and he does have the voice of an angel, so he’s at least pretty close to being a cool badass. Anyway, Groban recently did another cool thing when he refused to take any shit from Trump supporters and then continued refusing to take any shit when Sean Hannity decided to get involved for some reason.

It all started with a fairly standard dig at the way Donald Trump’s racist buffoonery has made everyone else in America look bad, which prompted a Groban fan to say she’s “very disappointed” to see that he’s “just part of Hollywood elite now.” (Though the woman’s use of “Sad!” does suggest that this is actually a dummy account that Trump himself set up.)

Groban shot back, which is always bad idea (but whatever, he’s a celebrity), and other Trumpers decided to throw their stupid hats into the little feud:

Then Hannity came in, presumably because he thought he could score some easy points on Groban while riling up his own stupid fanbase:

But Groban, being a cool badass, shut him down:

[via The Daily Dot]

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