Coolio’s new music video to premiere on Pornhub

Because porn stars and washed-up rappers go together like condom demonstrations and horrified middle schoolers, Coolio has apparently given up on becoming a chef and signed a deal to release his new music exclusively through Pornhub.

TMZ reports that Pornhub graciously offered to let the 50-year-old borrow their “talent” to shoot a music video for his song “Take It To The Hub,” which features some nice ladies who probably have very intelligent opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict spraying themselves with hoses and twerking in dinosaur costumes. On the one hand, the strategy seems sound, as there are probably more people looking at Pornhub at any given moment than visit most music websites in a week. On the other, one careless click and users might end up watching a Coolio video during “nap” time, so stay vigilant.

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