Cosmic order manifests as homophobes harass people flying Pride flags right before their boat explodes

Cosmic order manifests as homophobes harass people flying Pride flags right before their boat explodes
A man with a Pride flag enjoys a safer, less explosive way to boat. Photo: Carsten Koall

The world can feel like a senseless or even outright cruel place where bad things happen to people who don’t deserve their bad luck while terrible people live happy lives, free of trouble. But then, every once in a while, as in the case of homophobic boaters who harassed a family flying a Pride flag just before their vehicle blew up—the universe starts to make a bit of sense.

This story, which would be too ridiculously on the nose for fiction, was told by Twitter user @retro_ushi through a series of posts on Monday. In the first of these, we’re told that “people harassed my family because we were flying gay pride flags in Moses Lake, Washington, by racing around us and shouting gay slurs. Then, their boat literally blew up!” Images are attached showing the people in question giving the camera the finger and then, a boat engulfed in flames, clouds of smoke billowing from it.

@retro_ushi reposted their TikTok videos of the event on Twitter. The first of these begins by filming the homophobes as they start to circle the boat after noticing the Pride flags flying from it. It then cuts to the group of them swimming in the lake as their vessel burns behind them and is eventually extinguished.

“My brother was like ‘FUCK THEM!’ But they were legitimately hurt/burned so we felt bad for them,” @retro_ushi writes before explaining that they took them aboard and “they didn’t even say thank you” for the rescue. Another post speculates that the boat blew up “because they were driving around us so roughly they either damaged their carburetor or took in water and stalled” before the fumes accumulated and ignited.

These material causes may be less notable than the fact that this all happened just before the beginning of Pride Month, which maybe means there’s some order to the universe that’s suggesting people not threaten others over their sexuality and/or gender if they don’t want their boats to blow up. Oh, and shit their pants in the process.

[via Boing Boing]

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