Costco selling Conor Oberst guitars

Though it has since been removed from Costco's website, Pitchfork is reporting that the consumerist Valhalla—known for its proliferation of industrial-sized Swanson dinners and bulk Ramen—is (or was, rather) hawking the "Conor Oberst From Bright Eyes Signed Acoustic Guitar," a "natural spruce top" model that has what alleges to be Oberst's signature on the face retailing for $899.99.

Since the story first broke, Bright Eyes' legal team—who were apparently as flummoxed as everyone else by this odd bit of synergistic marketing—has stepped in and forced them to pull the model, as no one had signed off on any sort of agreement (though a picture of the guitar in question remains on Pitchfork's website). The G. Love guitar has also been pulled. Too bad, dudes. That would have totally impressed everyone in your dorm.

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