Court: 'Thanks for the good deed, T.I., now back to jail with you'

On the heels of his strange turn talking a suicidal man down from an Atlanta skyscraper, rapper/actor T.I. is heading back to jail for 11 months for violating the terms of his probation, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

T.I., known to his family as Clifford Harris, was arrested last September in Hollywood when police smelled the distinct, overpowering odor of marijuana in his car during a traffic stop. (Because, hey, if you're a celebrity rapper out on probation for federal weapons charges, why not smoke up in a car on Sunset Boulevard?) But it didn't stop there; after his arrest, a probation officer said T.I. violated three other terms of his probation by possessing ecstasy, testing positive for opiates, and associating with a known felon. Hat trick!

All that stuff outweighed T.I.'s selfless—or, for the cynical, suspiciously timed—assistance with the suicidal man. Maybe he can follow in the footsteps of Lil' Wayne and volunteer to monitor people on suicide watch in jail?

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