Courteney Cox gives Charlie Puth the easiest Friends quiz ever

Courteney Cox gives Charlie Puth the easiest Friends quiz ever

Friends nerds, get ready to channel your own inner Monica Geller (or Ross, if you want to pick the worst friend) while watching Billboard’s new video for their “Quizzed” series. Courteney Cox sits on a replica of the infamous Central Perk couch with pop singer Charlie Puth to quiz him on Friends, of which he claims to be a superfan. Like us, you’ll likely be compelled to yell out the answers before he can because almost every question in the three rounds—True or False, General Trivia, Who Said It—is a cakewalk for true worshippers of the NBC sitcom.

To his credit, the “Attention” singer does a pretty great job of getting most of the answers right, even if some require a prompt from Cox. In fact, she herself talks about how she’s forgotten certain characters and moments.“Who’s Joshua?” she asks at one point, forgetting the season 4 character played by Tate Donovan. Joshua, to be clear, was a Bloomingdale client of Rachel’s and they briefly dated. Come on, Courteney, you were there.

This almost 15-minute quiz is no “The One with the Embryos,” nor does it carry the stakes of apartment-switching or giving up a chick and a duck, but it’s pretty fun regardless. Luckily for Puth, it ends with Cox giving him a surprise gift, the hideous Geller Cup, which comes with a personalized touch that’s enough to make him tear up.

Honestly, we get it.

Watch it below.

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