Courtney Love loses Kurt Cobain...again

Considering all the indignities Kurt Cobain's cremated ashes have been through—which, according to this infamous Esquire report, include being ignobly stuffed by Courtney Love into a pink teddy-bear knapsack like the most ghoulish rave accessory ever; forced into a photo-shoot with a grabby Evan Dando; and scattered into the ventilation system of a New York airport while Love was on her stumbling way to a Buddhist temple (where she later doled out a paltry two scoops with some monks to have sculpted into tsatsas)—you'd think that Love would have found a more dignified resting place for her late husband by now. Unfortunately Love is claiming that a former friend has swiped what remained of Cobain's remains from where they hung in her closet, along with her will to (cough) live through this. "I find it disgusting, and right now I'm suicidal," Love said in a statement. Classy choice of words, Courtney.

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