Crystal Pepsi will return to shelves in August, thrilling fans of disappointment

Crystal Pepsi will return to shelves in August, thrilling fans of disappointment

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are constantly in the news, the O.J. Simpson case is being discussed everywhere, and an Independence Day movie is in theaters. You’d be forgiven for confusing 2016 with the 1990s, especially thanks to the new announcement that Crystal Pepsi is headed back to stores. Rumors about Crystal Pepsi’s return have swirled since a sweepstakes in December, but now it’s official. The clear cola—which bombed big time when it was released in 1992—will hit shelves in the United States on August 8. Canadians, meanwhile, will be able to enjoy an ice cold Crystal Pepsi as early as July 11. You can expect Canadian Prime Minister/internet darling Justin Trudeau to take an ironic but adorable photo with a bottle sometime after that.

To stir up even more excitement about the return of an old drink people hated at the time but can now enjoy ironically, Pepsi is also launching a ’90s-style computer game called The Crystal Pepsi Trail. A trailer for the game promises it will feature “agonizingly slow dial-up” and “totally bogus haircuts,” because, again, ironic detachment is fun. That game, or whatever the fuck it actually is, will be launched at on July 7 in partnership with the Oregon Trail computer game.

A 20-ounce bottle of Crystal Pepsi will cost $1.79, which is a far better deal than you can find for old bottles on eBay. Whether or not Van Halen’s “Right Now” will still be used to promote the drink (ironically, of course) is anyone’s guess.

[via E!]

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