Cute-as-hell toddler shows up to take over another newscast

Earlier this year, we delighted in the video of a man giving a serious interview while his children bandied around behind him. Like horses, dogs, and rhinos, children are shockingly impervious to news crews, never hesitating to dodder in front of one as the adults try to discuss important things. Such was the case on a recent ITV broadcast, when a sober discussion of milk allergies was interrupted by an adorable toddler named Iris.

As mother Lucy Wronka details her children’s “miserable” allergy to cow’s milk and the “eczema, red, raw skin, rashes, vomiting, upset stomach, constipation, wind reflux, [and] colic” caused by it, Iris bounds in and out of the camera’s eye, tittering to herself in some language that is infinitely more pure than our own.

Also of note is the control exhibited by anchor Alastair Stewart and Wronka herself—never once do they allow the kiddo’s antics to derail the interview, which barrels on as if nothing is wrong. Stewart even gives her a high-five at the end.

Granted, the network is no stranger to such interruptions. Last year, an ITV interview was derailed when a child dropped some piss on the studio floor during an on-air interview, so, you know, things could always be worse.

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