Cuteness is coming out of the walls with this LEGO Aliens photoset

Over the years, LEGO has produced block sets (and video games, and movies) based on a number of popular film franchises. Usually, though, the company keeps its focus kid-friendly (although a few PG-13 franchises like The Lord Of The Rings and Pirates Of The Caribbean have appeared in recent years).

Leave it to the Internet, then, to push the brightly colored blocks into R territory with this amazing set of pictures by Flickr user Missing Brick depicting scenes from James Cameron’s 1986 blockbuster action sequel Aliens. The whole poor, doomed cast of the Sulaco is here, expressions of terror plastered on their adorable yellow faces.

It’s not just the level of block-assembling craft on display here that’s impressive—the photographer also manages to perfectly capture the film’s moody lighting, from the glowing white tables of the ship’s mess hall, to the ominous red filling the claustrophobic corridors of Hadley’s Hope. You can read a short interview with the artist here, discussing the project’s genesis and some of the difficulties in producing it.

Most important, though, is the fact that the set features a tiny LEGO Paul Reiser, bringing humanity’s dream of LEGO Mad About You one step closer to completion.

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