Da Game Of Life

Da Game Of Life

Master P is one busy motherfucker. In addition to owning the hottest record label in rap, recording and touring as a multiplatinum artist, and making over $50 million last year, neophyte mogul P has cranked out films at a pace Fassbinder would envy. Having written, directed, or starred in a whopping three films within the past year, P takes a slight break with Da Game Of Life, a Snoop Dogg vehicle he co-wrote and executive-produced, but which does not feature his acting or directorial talents. The artist formerly known as Snoop Doggy Dogg stars in Da Game Of Life as a brilliant professional gambler who becomes the first black owner of a casino. Things run smoothly until Dogg's crazy brother (the whimsically monikered C Murder) murders a Mafia employee, an act that leads to several minutes of music-video-style bloodshed. Running a mere 32 minutes and augmented by three music videos and a bizarre public-service announcement in which the frequently incarcerated Dogg encourages youngsters to stay off drugs, Da Game Of Life finds P and director Michael Martin following in the slick, streamlined direction of their last film, the mercifully brief gangsta epic M.P. Da Last Don. And if Da Last Don was essentially a GoodFellas for the attention-span-deprived, Da Game Of Life plays like a Cliffs Notes version of Casino. (Hopefully, Da Last Don and Da Game have sated P's Scorsese obsession, and the world will be spared P's ghettofied rip-offs of The Age Of Innocence, The Last Temptation Of Christ, and Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore.) While it's easy to question the artistic worth of No Limit's output, it's difficult not to admire the sheer perversity of P's superstardom. It says something about the pre-millennial marketplace that P can put out what are essentially glorified student films and have them reach a huge audience. But while Da Game Of Life probably won't win the No Limit Army any new recruits, it should satisfy its die-hard constituency.

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