Dad of the year captures photographic nightmares with his kids

Some parents look at their kids and think “Disney princess” or “baby Groot.” But photographer Joshua Hoffine, a father to five adorable daughters, envisions his kids as something more along the lines of “final girls.” Hoffine’s a horror movie buff, who creates his own nightmarish tableaux on film. But he recently took inspiration from story time and his kids to put together some frightening images of the family.

All of these photos are Hoffine’s work, who says he started the project “ultimately concerned with the imminence and randomness of death, and the implication that there is no certainty to existence.” He says his daughters got a kick out of the whole thing, and were not at all frightened. (Sure.) Even if Hoffine isn’t looking at future massive therapy bills, he did photograph himself (or a stand-in) in seeming peril, to help take some of the edge off and/or remind his daughters that daddy can protect them from any threat, even the zombie apocalypse.

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