Damon Albarn, Flea, and Tony Allen are completely serious about naming their collaborative album Rocketjuice And The Moon

Albarn’s Law of Musical Nomenclature states that as Blur frontman Damon Albarn takes on more projects, the names of those projects will become exponentially more ludicrous. But Gorillaz, The Good, The Bad, & The Queen, and Honest Jon’s Chop Up were all just a dress rehearsal for the title of Albarn’s forthcoming, “mostly instrumental” album, Rocketjuice And The Moon. The album—a collaborative effort from Albarn, Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea, and Afrobeat icon/TGTB&TQ percussionist Tony Allen—apparently earned its name from its cover art, credited to an artist in Lagos and explained away by Albarn in the following quote to the Irish Times: “That’s the name he gave it, which suits me because trying to find a name for another band is always tricky.” Sure, it is, Damon—just tell that to the campus jam band we just made up that was previously known as Rocketjuice And The Moon. Now its members have to come up with a new name before their gig at the Vesta Co-Op this weekend, and Nacho is already swamped with prepping for his p-chem exam. Totally uncool, bro. [Pitchfork]

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