Dan Harmon’s Harmontown movie coming to your Harmontown

Dan Harmon’s Harmontown movie coming to your Harmontown

As Dan Harmon continues to prove the thesis that getting fired is the best thing that will ever happen to you (you should try it right now!), the documentary Harmontown, filmed during Harmon’s exile from Community, has just been picked up for national distribution. The Orchard has acquired theatrical and VOD rights to Neil Berkley’s documentary, which follows Harmon as he tours the country with his podcast and cult of personality, all in the wake of his being fired and amid the personal and professional turmoil that would endear him to so many.

After a premiere at SXSW, Harmontown—which also features appearances from people like Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Jason Sudeikis, and Sarah Silverman—will get a chance to play more directly to that fervently loyal fan base this fall, where it will be accompanied by another Harmontown podcast tour. Presumably this Harmontown-promoting Harmontown tour will also be filmed, so that Berkley can then make a Harmontown sequel about the Harmontown tour to promote the Harmontown movie, and so on and so on, until at last Harmontown is our very own Synechdoche New York.

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