Dana Carvey and Jimmy Fallon play dueling Trumps on The Tonight Show

Dana Carvey and Jimmy Fallon play dueling Trumps on The Tonight Show
Dana Carvey, Jimmy Fallon Screenshot:

If there are two more happily self-indulgent muggers in Saturday Night Live history than Jimmy Fallon and Dana Carvey, then, well, there aren’t. (Chevy, back in the day? Kattan? Wiig? Piscopo? Okay, there’s a lot of mugging going on.) Regardless, the two SNL alums met up for some old school sketch and impressionist shenanigans on Friday’s Tonight Show, donning floppy wigs, mustaches, and swinging-for-the-nosebleeds accents for a sketch about vaguely Latin men doing silly things. (Longtime SNL writer and voice of Triumph The Insult Comic Dog Robert Smigel—no stranger to broad dialect work himself—joined in as well.)

But Carvey—there to promote his returning turn as a cantankerous old dog in The Secret Life Of Pets 2—really went for it once he and Fallon sat down and started talking politics. Well, not politics, so much as politicians, as the two notably apolitical comics started swapping out their inevitable Donald Trump impressions. For Carvey, a political impression (like his Ross Perot or the father-son Bush boys) is all about finding a hook and yanking around the stage around until the spectacle reaches some sort of giddy, ridiculous delirium. And his Trump, all sniffs, gesticulations, and choppy, repeated staccato gibberish somewhere between a baby and Porky Pig would have fit right in on SNL if the now 63-year-old Carvey were just wrapping up his 33rd season on the show. Carvey (in addition to throwing out catchphrase-happy chunks of Jeff Bridges, Tony Montana, and Michael Caine), also debuted who he thinks the next president will be, with the “babbling lunatic/dully competent” pendulum swinging all the way over to a walking ASMR video named Brian, who’d like you to know he’s not going to make any sudden movements.

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