Dances With Wolves to become a Broadway musical, skeptical question mark?

Have you ever watched Kevin Costner’s Avatar rip-off Dances With Wolves and thought, “Wow, this would make an amazing Broadway musical”? As it turns out, you are weird. But also, strangely not alone: Producer Matt Murphy has recently acquired the rights to transform Dances With Wolves into a singin’, dancin’ essay about the time Civil War-era frontiersmen enacted their manifest destiny all up in some Sioux face, like bladow!, which he’s hoping to update for a “new generation” on the Great White Way. Murphy believes “Dances With Wolves will be a uniquely spectacular and dramatic new musical. I envision a score that is inspired by Appalachian, folk, Civil War era, and Native American music, coupled with a production design that celebrates the spirit and ceremony of Native American culture amidst the awe-inspiring landscape of the American frontier.” Also in there somewhere: Figuring out how to get some wolves on stage. (Unless they’re just going to be interpretive dancers in felt costumes or something?) Murphy’s producing history includes debuting the hit musical Altar Boyz, and he plans to tackle Wolves as soon as he finishes work on “an original musical for today’s texting, blogging, and Facebooking generation called Virtually Me!” Yep.

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