Daniel Johnston producing interactive comic book

Though Daniel Johnston is primarily recognized as a musician, his longest and most enduring passion has been drawing cartoons, churning out colorful drawings of characters like Joe The Boxer and the like with the same obsessive prolificacy—and occasionally to wider exposure, as in his much-reproduced Jeremiah The Innocent. He’s dabbled in producing full-blown comic books before, but Johnston seems to be serious about it now: He’s launched a Kickstarter project aimed at financing Daniel Johnston’s Infinite Comic Book Of Musical Greatness, an interactive comic that will debut in both a classic, printed version, as well as an online version that combines his artwork with downloadable music, additional storylines, and the chance for fans to add their own contributions to provide an “infinite” experience. It’s already met its initial $10,000 goal, but those wishing to donate more can choose from pricing levels that give them rewards like autographed editions, T-shirts, and even recognition as an “Editor” in the finished book, which also gets you on the guest-list at a future show and an invitation to meet Johnston backstage. Here’s a video of Johnston talking about the project.

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