Danny Boyle and Stephen Daldry take creative control of 2012 Olympics

Directors Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire, 28 Days Later) and Stephen Daldry (The Hours, The Reader) have been put in charge of running the important (i.e. televised) ceremonies for the 2012 Olympics in London, according to The Guardian. Daldry will have overall control of the ceremonies while the Oscar-winning Boyle will serve as the artistic director of the opening ceremony. They will be joined by television director Hamish Hamilton, producer Catherine Ugwu, and rock show stage designer Mark Fisher.

While Boyle and Daldry have been busy working in theater, directing Frankenstein and Billy Elliot, respectively, maybe we can expect to see some of their cinematic work creep its way into the opening ceremonies. A Bollywood dance sequence featuring post-apocalyptic zombies? A Virginia Woolf novel interpreted through an ambitious young boy’s dance and song? We can only hope.

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