David Blaine will perform magic for Kanye West and Harrison Ford in latest endurance stunt

Bored with encasing himself in giant blocks of ice, illusionist David Blaine will now immerse himself in the frozen stares of Kanye West and Harrison Ford for a special set to air on ABC in November. Titled Real Or Magic (Where did the question mark go??!), the 90-minute show finds Blaine returning to magic? (Now it’s over here!) after years of concentrating on stunts, with Blaine visiting the homes of famous people to practice close-up illusions with playing cards and other “ordinary objects.” “Ordinary,” of course, except for the fact that these objects are in Kanye West’s living room; for example, Kim Kardashian.

Some other celebrities welcoming Blaine into their kitchens, with varying degrees of “HANH?”-inducing incredulity and strained smiles, include Ricky Gervais, Katy Perry, Olivia Wilde, Robert De Niro, Woody Allen, Stephen Hawking, Breaking Bad duo Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul, and even (to Kanye’s probable, extra irritation) former President George W. Bush, whose noted skepticism when it comes to believing in things no one can see should make him a formidable foe indeed.

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