David Harbour now asking for retweets so he can meet a penguin, or something

David Harbour exudes authority, grit, and melancholy as Police Chief Jim Hopper on Stranger Things. On Twitter, however, he’s more like that kid who tweeted his way into free chicken nuggets. This guy is downright reckless with the platform, indulging fan requests for his involvement in high school senior photos and wedding officiations. What’s next? “How many retweets to quit Hellboy?” Dude is gonna paint himself into a corner soon enough.

That said, he seems to have figured out that he can work out this whole retweet thing to his benefit as well. On Sunday, he wielded his Twitter fame like a blunt instrument, holding it over the head of environmental organization Greenpeace. His request? To dance with some goddamned penguins.

Greenpeace, clearly new to this whole “asking for retweets” thing, replied with a paltry 200,000. Bringing some untrained actor to Antarctica sounds like an insurance nightmare, doesn’t it? At least make like Wendy’s and ask for 18 million.

Harbour appealed to his base and surpassed his goal in less than five hours. He’s currently sitting at 340,000 retweets, which probably means he gets to bring a penguin home with him. It’s up to “chief mate Fernando,” apparently, who Greenpeace tasked with bringing Harbour the good news. He’s due to set sail in February.

Somewhere, the Duffer Brothers are crafting an e-mail politely begging him to “please be careful.”

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