David Lynch's "announcement" was exactly what we should have expected

David Lynch's "announcement" was exactly what we should have expected
Photo: Vittorio Zunino Celotto

It was way back in 2019 that whispers of a new Twin Peaks season floated online. And it was just this last November that a report emerged regarding Wisteria, the supposed working title of Lynch’s new project at Netflix. The director’s dalliance with Netflix was first questioned after the streamer shared What Did Jack Do?, a 2017 short starring Lynch and a talking monkey. Clear answers, however, have remained just out of reach, which is why fans of the enigmatic filmmaker perked when he teased a big announcement to come on his Monday morning weather report. Finally, we thought, some clarity on his next project.

But, alas, there is no clarity. There is, however, an announcement that’s as hilarious and on brand as it is disappointing.

You see, Lynch was planning to announce a break from both his ongoing weather reports and his series where he picks a number of the day. But, after reading the YouTube comments, he was struck again by “what a great group you all are.” As such, he will continue doing his daily weather reports and number pulls. That’s it. That’s the announcement.

There’s two ways you can react to this:

  • We can laugh, because this is trolling of the highest order and exactly what we should have expected from a creator who always prefers his art to speak for itself.
  • Or you can start hunting for clues. He wishes us “blue skies and golden sunshine internally,” huh? Boy, that sure sounds like something Dale Cooper might say. Please let us know what you’re gleaning from it in the comments.

Back to the rumor mill it is, then. Last we heard, Wisteria is due to start filming in the spring, the season of “blue skies and golden sunshine.”

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