Death Strandings nightmare Thumb Baby is already getting memed

Yesterday, legendary game director Hideo Kojima dropped the latest extended trailer for his upcoming game, Death Stranding, a clip we described as “eight minutes of pure, inexplicable sci-fi madness.” Nobody really knows what the game is about yet, but we’re guessing it has something to do with what we like to call Oil Baddies, Bad Floaters, and Magic Babies.

It’s okay, though, if all you can focus on are those babies. That’s certainly the case with gamers on Twitter, who can’t seem to get past the trailer’s most disturbing moment, when it’s revealed that there’s a bright-eyed little cherub just chilling in Norman Reedus’ throat. It’s okay, though, because he gives you a thumbs up.

Of course, some people’s shock manifested not through revulsion or awe, but humor. It took less than 24 hours for Thumb Baby, as some on Twitter are referring to it, to get the meme treatment.

As of now, Death Stranding still doesn’t have a due date—er, release date, so stay tuned.

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